Highland Band Doublets, Drummer Doublets: We carry a range of doublets, kilts, jackets, spats, balmorals, and other accessories for Highland, Scottish, and Irish Pipe bands. Our every item is custom-made with the finest materials.  Our Highland doublets are used in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand by Pipe bands and police & military bands.  We manufacture every type of doublet including sporrans, hose and Highland, police and military band shirts, boots, and badges.  Our Highland wear and pipe band articles are carefully crafted for quality and long-term service.  We make both pipers and drum major uniforms and doublets.  Besides doublets, we manufacture a range of articles specifically for Pipe bands.  We embroider badges and banners for Pipe bands, we manufacture special spats and hoses for Pipe bands and we custom make sporrans for Pipe bands.  As a special service for Pipe band uniforms, we import tartan fabric from Scotland for bulk Pipe Band uniform orders.

Highland, Scottish, and Irish Doublets for Pipe, Police, and Military Bands and Regiments:  All our doublets are made in Doeskin or Barathea wool. Pipe band doublets are available in any color – red, scarlet, archer green, blue, black, Khaki, etc.  You may also specify the color of the facing and cuffs while ordering.  Braids or trims like twisted white, Gold, or silver can also be specified for the Drummer Doublets.  We manufacture (Pipers & drummers) Pipe band doublets, Military doublets, and regulation doublets. We provide a slit pocket on the front flap of the doublets with a hook and eye closure at the neck plus a fabric flap at the neck closure.  Each doublet has eyelets for removable buttons hidden by an extra satin flap.  All doublets come with plain shell buttons.  You may specify various articles for your doublet – like color, type, and color of facings, trimmings, and piping color.   We offer special group discounts on doublets for pipe bands and we accommodate special doublet designs for pipe bands. Pipe band doublets can be ordered with satin lining or with padding. We also manufacture Montrose drummer doublets.  Each custom-tailored doublet is available for only US$71/pc. Highland Band Doublets, Doublets, Kilts, Jackets & Accessories for Pipe, Police and military Bands, Highland Band Doublets, Doublets for RAF, and armed forces. Please include a picture of your design(s) along with measures. Off-the-rack sizes are perfectly acceptable, else you can use the size chart given below. When using the size chart given below, please mention measures as 1,2,3… and give body measures only.


Doublet in picture available in Black, Navy Blue, Red, and Green. Please specify while ordering. Doublet type 1.

Doublet in picture available in Black, green, navy blue, red. {In Silver/Gold trim – please specify in order} Please specify color.

These doublets are also available in Pure Cow Nappa wool in black, brown, and tan leather. Please specify while ordering. Cost US$ 170/pc.

Available in red/blue, red/buff, red/green, and red/black melton wool Also available in Blue/red, Blue/green; Black/red, Black/buff. Please specify or give your color Combination.     

Available in red/Navy blue/black/green color (please specify) with Gold/Silver scroll trim {please specify while ordering} Price US$ 80/pc.

Available in Red/Navy blue/Black/green color {Please specify}, Gold/silver trim {please specify} matching 18 buttons Price US$ 89/pc

Highland, Scottish, Irish Pipe Band Doublet Wings or shells:  Available in any color and any pattern.  Price FREE when ordered with a doublet or US$ 11/pair if ordered alone.

Pipe Band or Kilt Shirts:  Ideal for summer wear for a pipe band.  Made in 100% cotton, high weave fabric.  The pipe band shirts are half-sleeved with scalloped pockets and epaulets.  Price US$ 35/pc, custom-tailored.  Highland Band Doublets, Doublets, Kilts, Jackets, and accessories for Pipe, Police, and military band shirts are also available in Satin, Silk, and Giza cotton. Price and designs are available on request, please contact us for further details. <5a>

Pipe Band Highland and Military Kilts:  We tailor our kilts but require you to send your tartan fabric for them.  We are planning with a mill in Scotland for an entire range of tartan fabrics and these will be available from early June.  Tailoring charges for Kilts are US$ 155.   We also manufacture kilt panels and kilt panel rosettes. Bulk rates and surface-to-surface delivery rates are available on request.

Highland, Scottish, and Irish doublets in cotton for Pipe, Police, and Military Bands:  These are made in 100% cotton drill fabric white,  khaki, or any other color that may be specified. Construction is the same as Woolen doublets.  The price is US$ 56 per doublet, custom-tailored. Highland Band Doublets, Doublets, Kilts, Jackets & Accessories for Pipe, Police & Military Bands.

Prince Charlie jackets and vest:  Made in 100% pure wool barathea fabric in black with satin facings.  Comes with (thistle)diamond buttons and properly tailored chest and shoulder pieces.  It is fully lined with braided epaulets.  The price including custom tailoring is US$ 92/pc.  The vest is extra at US$65 if ordered alone or only US$62/pc if ordered with the Charlie jacket.

Highland Band Doublets, Doublets, Kilts, Jackets & Accessories for Pipe, Police & Military Band.

Argyle (Argyll) jacket and vest: The Argyle jacket and vest are made in 100% wool, black barathea fabric.  The Argyle (Argyll) jacket is lined, single a button front, has flat epaulets, gauntlet cuffs with 3 buttons, and pocket flaps with 3 buttons.  The vest too is made in black barathea and has 5 buttons. The price including custom tailoring is US$ 89/pc.  The vest is extra at US$53 if ordered alone or only US$51 if ordered with the Charlie jacket, Highland Band Doublets, Doublets, Kilts, Jackets, and accessories for Pipe, Police, and Military Bands. 

Braemar jacket and vest: The Braemar jacket and vest are made in 100% wool, black barathea fabric.  The Braemar jacket is lined and has a single-button front, flat epaulets, French cuffs with 3 buttons, and pocket flaps with 3 buttons.  The vest too is made in black barathea and has 5 buttons. The price including custom tailoring is US$ 53/pc. The vest is extra at US$51 if ordered alone or only US$62 if ordered with the Braemar jacket. 

Craill jacket and vest: The Craill jacket and vest are made in 100% wool, black barathea fabric.  The Crail jacket is lined and has a single-button front, flat epaulets, French cuffs with 3 buttons, pocket flaps with 3 buttons, and braided epaulets like the Prince Charlie jacket.  The vest too is made in black barathea and has 5 buttons. The price including custom tailoring is US$ 92/pc.  The vest is extra at US$53 if ordered alone or only US$51 if ordered with the Craill jacket


Inverness Cape: Our Inverness cape is made in extremely high-quality black nylon and comes in a belt storage pouch.  All the seams are waterproof to provide maximum waterproofing.  The price is US$ 62, shipping extra as per location. 


Cutaway Tunics: We tailor cutaway tunics in wool and barathea, price of a cutaway tunic is US$92/pc in Barathea, custom tailored.  Cutaway tunics are also made in khaki drill cotton fabric for US$ 56/pc

Mess Jackets: Our Mess jackets are made in barathea, with lapels of in color combinations as per your specifications – custom tailored, US$ 83/pc.  We do not charge extra for larger sizes Mess Vest: Made in barathea and satin in combination with mess jacket.  Price including custom tailoring is US$51 if ordered with a mess jacket or US$53 if ordered alone.

Shell Tunics:  Available in white, black, and khaki in polycotton (60% cotton, 40% polyester) with buttons. Available custom tailored US$ 71/pc.

Blue Patrol Jackets:  Patrol jackets or tunics are made in serge or wool barathea, please specify while ordering.  The price including custom tailoring is US$92/pc. Blue Patrol Trousers:  Made in both mounted and dismounted patterns in wool barathea or serge, with piping in the color of your choice.  Price US$56/pr if ordered alone,  US$53/pr if ordered with a Patrol Jacket. 

Custom-made Tunic and Trousers for the Guards etc:  Please e-mail me with your requirements.  We also make Lorne Scot coatees’, Signals tunics, etc.  We also make Patrol jackets and trousers in White and Green. 

Spats (or boot covers): Our spats are manufactured in high quality, washable canvas in white/khaki/black color.  Spats come with white or black buttons.  Please specify while ordering.  Spats are available in all sizes with a correct angular cut at the ankle.  Price US$ 29/pair.  Pipe bands may e-mail for special discount deals or special spats in their design and pattern. We also make leather spats.

We will shortly be making available Black and Brown Ghillie Brogues and Ghillie brogues with soft soles.  Also, George’s boots are expected shortly.  Please watch this space for more.

Balmoral caps: Our Balmoral caps are made in heavy wool with badge stiffener to hold the badge in place.  Available in all colors – please specify while ordering.  Price US$ 26/pc if ordered alone, US$24/pc if ordered with a doublet or jacket. We also manufacture Tam O’ Shanter’s and Irish Caubeens – the same prices and terms. 

Leather sporrans for Pipe Bands:  Any of the leather sporrans in the picture are available for US$ 29/pc.  Our sporrans are made from natural tanned cow/buff leather.  If you need to have your sporran custom made, please show us a detailed picture, or send in your sample, Highland Band Doublets, Doublets, Kilts, Jackets & Accessories for Pipe, Police, and Military Bands.

Custom-made embroidered badges and chevrons:  Please send me a picture of your requirements and dimensions and we will do the needful.  We offer the best prices anywhere in the world.  We will manufacture any embroidered badge 4″ X 6″ maximum at US$ 10.00/pc and much less for smaller badges and wings. A good way to estimate the cost of your badge/wings/banner/flag/embroidered sash is to multiply the surface area {in inches} (length X width) by 0.40. The result is the dollar cost of the article. Single chevron is US$8, double is US$ 15, and triple chevron is US$ 21


Shipping is extra for all articles.

 Please contact us for special deals for Pipe bands and better deals when ordering these with Pipe band Drummer Doublets.  Chevrons (1,2 or 3 stripe) are also US$ 6.00/pc.

Custom-made Metal badges and insignia:  We offer custom-made metal insignia for your Pipe band or unit.  Our insignia are made on pressure dies – we will require a sample badge or insignia to make a die.  We also do numbers and medals.  Please ask for special deals for pipe bands, and Highland Band Drummer Doublets. We can make brooches, buttons, buckles, pins, discs, badges, cantles, medals, trophies etc for you. They will usually require a pressure die to be made which will cost from US$ 150- $400 depending on the article. The dies are usually good for about 10,000 pieces. The article itself is usually inexpensive; its cost depends on the type of metal, weight, complexity of design, and the number of pieces to be cranked out (the higher the quantity to lower the costs as well as shipping per piece). You will need to send us a sample to get a quote.

Chain Mail:  We manufacture chain mail and chain mail articles.  Shoulder chain mail for Rifle Green patrols as per the picture are available for US$ 65/pc as below. Or US$62 if ordered with a patrol jacket. Please calculate the cost of chain mail at US$ 2.50/sq. Inch.



We thank the following Pipe Bands for their help and patronage:

  • St. Andrews Legion Pipes & Drums
  • 96th Highlanders Pipes and Drums
  • Tempe Police Department Pipe band
  • 42nd Highlanders Regimental Pipe Band
  • 48th Highlanders of Canada Pipe Band
  • Cold Lake Police Service Pipe Band
  • J.P.White Pipe Band
  • Gaelic University Pipe band
  • Braemar Pipeband

Our products are sold to the following quality Highland gear dealers:

  • What Price Glory , US.
  • Highland Brigade , US.
  • Sgt. Bilko Trading , Canada.
  • Coghlin & Upton , Canada.
  • Hugh Hainey & Co,  Scotland .
  • Celtic Trading , UK.

Some comments regarding our products and services:

From: Collins, Edward <ecolli@kyrene.org>
To: Sanjay Suri <sanjaysuri17665@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 8:51 PM
Subject: RE: Band jackets

Good Morning, Mr. Suri,
All of the band members, except the two who weren’t at practice, have tried
on their jackets. All of them fit just right!!!!!! We are very pleased
with the color and tailoring. The black buttons have arrived, too, and now
we are ready to sew them on. Once our uniforms are complete, I will make
every effort to get some digital pictures taken of us and email them to you.
Hope all is well with you.
Thank you again,

Hari Om Sanjay,
The drummer doublets arrived last week and the members that they were for, are all very satisfied with your work.

I apologize it has taken so long to write back, but it has been very busy the last several weeks.

I’m now preparing another order for 6 or 7 more Drummer Doublets.

I should have the order ready by Saturday.

Also, here is the the 4ft by 6ft flag design I mentioned. As I stated before, it needs to be a double sided flag.

It can be cotton or any other suitable material.

I will also send in another email a better image of the center portion of the emblem within the flag when you need it.

If you would be so kind, to quote me a price at what we are looking at to invest in such a venture, I would appreciate it.

Kindest regards,
Tim Lewis Batten
St. Andrews Legion

Email                          Payment Details                        Size Chart

Our pipe band doublets, kilts, and accessories are also available for films, movies, theatre, plays, and living history reenacting – please e-mail me for special orders.

We are also available on Facebook and twitter (z).

Tam O’Shanter: