About Us
Welcome To Replicaters
We bring you a new range of uniforms, militaria, gear, and ordnance; we have acquired new skills in the past 25 years of service to you, new craftsmen, and all this with a new management. We retain our product line of best-selling uniforms and bring you a wide range of new uniforms. Please see our product range in the section marked products – we have specially included uniforms considering the requirements of military historians, museums, reenactors, collectors, theatres, movie production houses, and the ordinary collector. We have especially started providing consultancy to clients who would like to recreate the uniform of their friends or relatives from unit details/pictures.

About Us
Replicaters has passed on to new management and is now owned by Akhileshwar Exim Private Limited – with a cooperative craftsmen structure with professionals running the show. Replicaters is moving quickly to open its first store abroad. We have military historians on call to recreate the exact uniform required by you for a particular army, era, and occasion. We feel that this service is invaluable for movie and theatre producers, documentary makers, and individual collectors.